Thursday, January 22, 2009

Random Act of Kindness

I must share this most amazing story ... it brought tears to my eyes.

Last night Stephanie & Jordan, along with 4 other young adults, went to Cool Hand Lukes for dinner. When it was time to leave and pay the bill the waitress told them the bill had already been taken care of. They were all amazed and wondered who did such a thing. They asked who and of course the waitress wouldn't tell them. They all began to look around to see if they recognized anyone in the restaurant to which none of them did. As they sat at the table talking and looking around the waitress could tell they were trying to figure out who had paid the bill. They questioned her again and was told a nice gentleman said when he was younger and out with a group of friends someone had picked up the tab and we wanted to repay the favor to another group of young people.
It's nice to know we still have some kind people in this world!! This will hopefully have an impact on the young people and they will be able to do the same to another young group of friends.

Monday, January 5, 2009

I am Blessed!

As many of you know my husband William has an incredible gift of woodworking. The recipients of his talents are many (of which I am not included .... YET!!). When Alexis was born he decided that she needed a crib and dresser built by her Papa ... an amazing beautiful crib and dresser came out of the workshop. Alexis didn't have much to do with sleeping in her crib as it was not her favorite sleeping spot (next to mommy was much better in her opinion). That's okay because along came Taylor and she was more than happy to sleep in the crib. Well .... now that Taylor is almost 2 Papa once again went into his workshop and produced 2 beautiful twin beds for our adorable granddaughters. Let me tell you a house could probably fall of these beds and not destroy them. They don't move an inch once they were assembled.

Alexis was very excited when she heard Papa was building her a big girl bed .... every time they came over she would run to the shop to see Papa and her bed. It was fun to see her eyes light up during the process. Taylor was excited too but she just doesn't express it like her sister. When Heather was out shopping for new bedding and the sales clerks would ask if she is finding everything Alexis would tell them her Papa is building her a bed .... Heather said it was VERY CUTE. When I ask the girls how they like their beds Taylor gets a big smile and says PAPA!! They will be treasures for life for these two lucky girls. Next project out of Will's Workshop .... a dresser for Taylor (just like her sisters).